c/o Berliner Ensemble
Bertoldt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin – Mitte
Equipment for blind people
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Signet "Berlin barrier-free"
Accessible to wheelchairs
WC accessible to wheelchairs
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Elevators accessible to wheelchairs
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Berliner Ensemble
Eirikur Mortagne. The Ensemble

Das Ensemble (The Ensemble) is a portrait series by Eirikur Mortagne, dedicated to the theatre artists of the Berliner Ensemble who perform on and behind the stage. Eirikur Mortagne sees photography not merely as an instrument of documentation, but also as a form of narrative in which viewers must always question what they see. Following the ideal of the greatest possible veracity, the work achieves a consistent equality among the portrayed through arrangement and photographic craftsmanship, bringing the viewer as close as possible to reality while creating a contemporary document of the Berliner Ensemble. There is a lively interplay between the portraits, which comment on one another. By hanging them in rows, the artist has chosen a form of presentation that allows for a multifaceted and rhythmic series. At the same time, it serves to establish distance to the individual portrait in order to abstract from the individual in favour of a higher level of meaning.

Eirikur Mortagne. The Ensemble